Rectal cancer

Colorectal cancer is one of the most common cancers in U.S. men and women. It develops in the colon or rectum and often involves side effects that impact quality of life. That’s why it’s important to turn to doctors with expertise in colorectal cancer, experts who can help you understand the disease, its side effects and the array of treatment options available to fight it. The oncologists at Cancer Treatment Centers of America® (CTCA) understand the complexities of colorectal cancer. They can explain the risk factors, the side effects and symptoms involved, and what you can do to combat the disease.

Our cancer hospitals treat colorectal cancer with a commitment to comprehensive, personalized care, developing treatment plans individualized for each patient’s specific needs. Your care regimen is designed to help you maintain your quality of life, while providing treatment options targeted to your cancer type and stage. At CTCA®, we take an integrative approach to patient care, combining state-of-the-art colorectal cancer treatments with supportive therapies to treat not just the disease but the whole person. Explore this section to learn more about colorectal cancer, its symptoms and side effects, and the treatments we offer.