
Aside from astrocytomas, there are a number of different primary brain tumors and other nervous system tumors that form from glial cells.

Overview of other gliomas

  • Ependymomas usually occur in the lining of the ventricles, or spaces in the brain and around the spinal cord. Although ependymomas can develop at any age, these brain cancer tumors most commonly arise in children and adolescents. Ependymomas are also a common spinal cord tumor.
  • Oligodendrogliomas develop in the cells that produce myelin, the fatty covering that protects nerves in the brain and spinal cord. These tumors are very rare, and usually occur in the cerebrum. They are slow growing and generally do not spread into surrounding brain tissue. These brain tumors occur most often in middle-aged adults. They generally carry a more favorable prognosis as compared to astrocytomas.
  • Mixed gliomas have two types of tumor cells: oligodendrocytes and astrocytes. This type of brain tumor most often forms in the cerebrum.