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From the Chairman’s DESK

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Dr. Majid Ahmed Talikoti is a Highly Distinguished medical professional, teacher, researcher and medical communicator in the field of medicine. He was born in Shorapur, Distt. Yadgir, Karnataka. Studied MBBS, MS in Rajiv Gandhi Univ. of Health Sciences - RGUHS, specialised in Surgical Oncology from IRCH AIIMS and Advanced Surgical Onco Training from National Cancer Centre Japan, serving pan India in states like Kashmir, Delhi, UP, MP, Jharkhand etc.

He has gained specialized structured surgical oncology training and performed all the major operative procedures like commando surgery and various neck dissections for head and neck cancer, thoracic, gastrointestinal, breast surgery, oncoplasty and many more. I have also been associated to various leading medical research institutes across the country.

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